I think the initial layout of the site is pretty much complete. Naturally there is room for many adjustments, corrections and additions, but we have a basis to start.
We will launch the communication so that our friends on the web can browse our image galleries, which will expand little by little, and react to our blog notes.
Feel free to browse the few pages already available and to share your comments. We will take them into account to improve as much as possible the form and substance.
To navigate, it’s very simple: a main menu at the top right of the home page (or center on smartphones), and two types of main entries: the Blog with regular tickets is the initial intention) and galleries grouped by subject with a presentation page and a photo gallery that can be enlarged by a click.
There is no ads and there will not be any (as long as I can pay the accommodation fees), nothing to sell either (but if someone is interested in prints or HD formats, we can discuss).
Go ahead, browse, read, enjoy (or not!), Share your turn. And see you soon for news.
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